Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All Dogs Go To Heaven

My Daddy sent an email to me with these church signs on them. Even though according to snopes.com this is just something made up by someone using the Church Sign Generator it is still funny. Unless you have a magnifying glass you will have to click on the picture to read what the signs say. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

thats feaking FUNNY

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarious!!

mama donk aubri jo said...

thanks for the giggle :)

Jod Jas Curtis said...

HILARIOUS-- Love it :) & YES I believe Dogs go to HEAVEN!
I haven't talked to you for awhile- you keepin' busy? I'll hopefully see you tonight @ Jules.

Stephanie said...

I love that post!!
BTW : I tagged you go to my blog post " we all have quirks" and you will find what to do there!